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CMMS Dashboard | CMMS KPI

CMMS Dashboard – CMMS KPIs

CMMS Dashboard Training Topics

The CMMS dashboard is a useful tool for providing timely and otherwise important CMMS data to the user. Additionally, this dashboard is customizable to each specific user. As a result, this gives the user a display of only critical CMMS data that is or particular importance to the logged in user. The dashboard is presented in a graphical format making it simple to quickly see trends or maintenance items that require immediate attention. All software functions are available without using the CMMS dashboard, however this dashboard greatly simplifies what the maintenance manager has to consider when opening the CMMS software system. Additionally, the dashboard may be set as the default screen so that it loads when the user logs in.

The CMMS dashboard displays the four major parts of the software program. The user elects to display all four components or any combination of these four components. The four components are:

  1. Work orders
  2. Preventative maintenance (PMs)
  3. Downtime (equipment failures)
  4. Inventory and purchasing stock levels

Work Order Management

Choose any of several way to filter and graphically display the work order section as follows:

  1. Work order type
  2. Status of work order
  3. Work order priority
  4. Equipment
  5. Work order requestor (repair ticket) and more

Preventative Maintenance

The preventative maintenance component of the dashboard screen displays PMs by:

  1. Days late
  2. Assigned mechanic
  3. Equipment
  4. Preventative maintenance task
  5. Process, department, line, equipment type and more

Down Time and Equipment Failure

The equipment downtime software module of the CMMS dashboard offers options to display the equipment failure data by:

  1. Mechanic shift
  2. Operator shift
  3. Equipment
  4. Failure cause
  5. Process or line and more

Filter any of the above CMMS dashboard components by date as well. Additionally, each of the above sections provides the capability to select the data item from the dashboard then go directly to the appropriate screen for editing. Best of all, directly issue and print PMs and work orders from the dashboard. The above listed functions are instructed on in the videos at the bottom of this page.

The inventory and purchasing section of the dashboard provides a way to display inventory items that need to be ordered and restocked as an alternate view. This module generates purchase requisitions automatically if needed. The purchasing module CMMS training topic is a somewhat more involved, as there may be many facets to the purchasing process, especially if extended security is applied. Set up a personal training session with us if additional training is needed for the dashboard.

KPI Data

KPI (key performance indicators) on the version 5.0 dashboard provides a quick graphical view of important KPI data as defined by each user. The KPI data on this screen includes equipment reliability, failure rate, work completion rates, work order completion ratio by type, PM completion average hours and more. In conclusion, the dashboard provides access to all major parts of the CMMS for display as well as direct editing.

CMMS Dashboard Configuration

Using the Dashboard

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