Preventative Maintenance Software

The success of preventative maintenance software (PM software) depends upon proper configuration of the system. This training module focuses on planning and executing the preventative maintenance solution configuration step to accomplish the following goals:
- Creation of concise, meaningful task groups leading to an efficient and simple to navigate preventative maintenance system.
- Building a reusable task description list so that the system is intuitive and easy to query.
- Organizing tasks into task groups for use in both preventative maintenance and work orders.
- Developing a strategy for building the preventative maintenance task lists that expedites configuration without sacrificing usability of the system.
This solution offers a calendar-based preventative maintenance system for simple repetitive PMs. This software also offers a full work order system that may be used with or by itself to manage preventative maintenance. Most users will use both the preventative maintenance screen and the work order screen to manage PM type work. The nice thing about the PM screen is that many PMs may be closed at the same time and the PMs recycle themselves for the next PM interval.
Work orders require that a new work order record is created for each PM interval. Although this is a subtle difference if your company is closing 10,000 PMs a month it does make for a simpler to manage CMMS software system in the long run. Additionally, since all closed PMs are archived you still have the reporting and analysis capability as you have with full work orders.
If further explanation is required contact CMMS University to schedule a personalized online demonstration of the software's analysis and reporting capabilities.
Preventative Maintenance Task Configuration
- Planning task groups and tasks
- Defining task groups
- Creating reusable task descriptions
- Adding task groups and tasks
- Editing preventative maintenance tasks
- Tasks shared between preventative maintenance and work orders
Building a Preventative Maintenance List
- Components of a preventative maintenance list
- Creating a simple task list
- Editing a PM list
- Setting the sequence for a preventative maintenance list
Preventative Maintenance Software Shortcuts and Options
- Task packages
- Job list templates
- Copy a PM list to another equipment item
- Bulk edit for preventative maintenance (PM) task list
- Changing a PM list assignment
- Adding detailed instructions to a PM list