Purchase Order Software

This CMMS software training website also includes purchase order software training. Although purchase order software capability isn't strictly a CMMS software capability, nonetheless many CMMS users expect to be able to manage their entire equipment maintenance system from one software application. The demonstration software system used by CMMS University provides a very flexible purchasing management system.
Below is a list of the various components of purchase order management available in the CMMS. Role-based permissions within the software restrict individual users by granting permissions for some screens and/or functions and perhaps blocking access to others. Moreover, any combination of these functions are granted to any user or groups of users as needed. The effect of this purchasing structure is that the purchasing process is strictly regulated or is as simple as having one purchasing agent managing the entire process (combining permissions into one user role). In short, these role-based permissions make it possible for all users to access the CMMS at some level. As a result, much greater "buy-in" by the user base is achieved.
- Request for quote (RFQ).
- Purchase requisition.
- Purchase requisition line item approval.
- Release of a purchase order number.
- Receiving purchase items.
- Using purchased items.
- Invoice matching (email/call for instruction: +1-541-404-0616)
The purchasing process flows as follows (NOTE: all of these actions may be performed by different users or by one user.):
- Submit purchase requisition.
- Approve or deny line items on the requisition.
- Release the approved items to the buyer for a purchase order number.
- Buyer release a P.O. number to the vendor.
- Receive and stock inventory items.
- Optionally notify the original requestor.
For further explanation contact CMMS University to schedule a personalized online demonstration of the software's analysis and reporting capabilities.
RFQ and Purchase Requisitions
- Create an RFQ.
- Convert an RFQ to a purchase requisition.
- Other ways to create a purchase requisition.
- printing and managing purchase requisitions.
Purchase Requisition Approval
- Approval permissions.
- Line item approval of requisition items.
- Releasing items to a purchase order.
Purchase Order Management
- Creating a purchase order directly.
- Adding items to a PO.
- Removing items from a PO.
- Removing received items from a PO.
- Receiving items on a purchase order.
- How receiving items affects inventory.
- Printing a purchase order.
- Purchase order options and shortcuts.